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There are major portions of the Sanskrit missing from the Khotanese version. The Gilgit manuscript covers, as well as manuscripts from the find, mark an important phase in the history of the art of the book in India…. This page was last edited on 15 September , at Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. This translation work took place over the course of the 5th through 10th centuries of the common era. The Sanskrit was also at times ambiguous or multivalent, and in those same places you may find the English to be open to multiple interpretations. sanghata sutra

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Since they did not choose to translate the titles into local languages, suhra can speculate that either they thought it important to leave the name of the sutra in Sanskrit for some reason, or they felt that there was no easy answer to the question: Translating from Tibetan, she consulted the Sanskrit to clarify the many places where the Tibetan was ambiguous.

The two translations appear on the CBETA electronic edition of the Taisho collection as texts numbered andrespectively. KhotaneseChineseSogdian and Tibetan.

June Learn how and when to remove this template message. The Gilgit manuscript covers, as well as manuscripts from the find, mark an important phase in the history of the art of the book in India…. Views Read Edit View history. Retrieved from " https: A colophon at the end of that translation suggests that there had been an earlier translation, now lost, whose 'language was updated' by the only translation that survives.


By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. There are major portions of the Sanskrit missing from the Khotanese version. Indeed, in the question that initiates the dialogue, Sarvashura asks for a teaching that can benefit young and old at the same time—a teaching for a pair of groups.

sanghata sutra

This glossary was compiled in the 9th century in Tibet by a team of respected translators, under the royal decree of the Tibetan king Tri Ralpachen. Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. Part of a series on. Sangjata lacking in-text citations from June All articles lacking in-text citations. But which two monastic assemblies are paired?

Sanghata Sutra

From Sanghafa, the free encyclopedia. This, indeed, is what Sarvashura initially requests the Buddha to give: This seems to suggest that what are paired, or joined together, are two assemblies of Sangha.

sanghata sutra

If there was any common knowledge, or received wisdom as to what the title meant, it seems likely that these translators would have had access to it.

The Sanskrit was also at times ambiguous or multivalent, and in those same places you may find the English to be open to multiple interpretations. As we shall see, one possibility, which needs further consideration, is that this development was affected by the evolution of certain texts into cult objects.

This translation into English was dutra by Ven.

Sanghata Sutra - FPMT

The Chinese translation was produced by an Indian scholar working in China in the 6th century, while the Khotanese was produced some time before the middle of the 5th century, a time when contact between Indian and Khotanese scholars would still have been relatively easy. This translation work took place over the course of the 5th through 10th centuries of the common era. That is, that a change took place in the concept of the book so that books were seen not merely as media for the conveyance of information but, for some reason or reasons as yet unclear, began to be conceived of as objects worthy of beautification.

The two earliest translations we have —- the Khotanese and the first of the two Chinese translations—do not translate the name at all. This article includes a list of referencesbut its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations.

A number of critical editions have been prepared by European scholars. This page was last edited on 15 Septemberat

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