Wednesday, 4 December 2019


Joseph Requerme - April 5, I can't wait to try this preset. I just think that we are now at a point that the use of both the actual film and the use of filters for digital images isn't necessary, putting aside other reasons that people may have for shooting film. Of course in most cases digital cameras are excellent at keeping a consistent look. Check out some more samples below. Or that people might have a different preference than you when it comes to how their images look? mastin labs portra

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Check it out my review of the pack after the jump.

Fstoppers Reviews: Mastin Labs Portra Pushed Film Presets

Check out some more samples below. My goal is to start shooting film by the end of this year, and I am looking forward to being able to match my scans up almost seamlessly with my digital files. I wasn't aware this was a discussion about image quality, I thought it was a general discussion about film vs digital.

Nothing quite has the magic of film, but these are way closer than any other option out there for matching to real film, and the workflow is as simple as it gets. But you went masfin about how hard it is to tell the difference, and of course you are right about that. Plain and simple, Mastin Labs looks like film.

You were enthusiastic about how close they were, to the extent that they were essentially indistinguishable without being told which was which, which you specifically addressed.

If you give Mastin Labs a try be sure to let me know how you like them! Push processing film is the practice of "overdeveloping" less sensitive film to increase the exposure.

Do I have to start worrying about the quality? Differences in color will be inherent to the originally captured image.

Andrew Janjigian - March 24, I've long been a fan of Mastin Labs presets, and this set does not disappoint. If you do happen to buy the presets, please make sure to comment below with some of your own images, I would love porgra see what other people shoot with this new tool.

mastin labs portra

I don't have to worry about the quality I'm getting and I don't have sit behind a computer matching film - since each pack is so dialed in. You sold me on Mastin, just purchased the Fuji pack and I'm sure the others won't be far behind. Awesome comparisons - thank you very much for taking the time to write this. And this one is way more consistent too! I know that the installer gives the option to install for your aforementioned camera brands, but the proof's in the pudding, so to speak.

It's subtle I seem to be using that word a lot, probably because it's accurate but the colors pop out a bit more, the contrast in the shadows is lovely, the highlights feel edgy and a little sharp; the images are just better.

mastin labs portra

Or that people might have a different preference than you when it comes to how their images look? Working with Mastin Labs has taught me even further how to get my shots correct in camera, which again, saves me oodles of time and stress on the back end.

Glad you brought amstin up! Fuji, Portra, and Ilford. To my taste Mastin produces the results which are quite far from real film.

Mastin Labs – Portra Pushed Pack for Capture One Pro

That's certainly a pro for the capabilities of the preset. Making a preset that can be applied across multiple images and maintain a consistent look is more difficult, particularly if you're trying to replicate a very specific look like the color and tone of a film stock.

Trying to match the image quality of film, and certain films, is a discussion about image quality. Peter Brody Andrew Richardson - March 24, But you went on about how hard it is to tell the difference, and of course you are right about that.

mastin labs portra

That is still something podtra one can achieve on their own. Andrew Richardson Peter Brody - March 24, Actually what I said was "You're never going to get a perfect reproduction of film aesthetics with digital files, it just isn't possible, but being able to get your images this close to film is quite an achievement.

Fstoppers Reviews: Mastin Labs Portra Pushed Film Presets | Fstoppers

Personally, for a company that seeks to emulate the 'truest' my word Portra look and for one who uses the word 'Lab' in his name, I'd expect him to source and create calibration profiles based on some of the more popular cameras being used today Canon, Nikon, Fujifilm, etc Yeah I am in the same boat as you.

You can also find their portrs equally-fantastic presets here. But that's another topic.

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